
Me after a cold, miserable 1.2 mile open ocean swim. 

I Swim

I swim for mental and physical health. I mostly lap swim in pools, but I also distance swim in the SF bay. Cold water plunging and distance swimming in the wild, wild waters has taught me that I have the psychological capacity to go mind over matter and get myself through things that are painful. 

Thanking the lord for having mercy on me and not breaking any of my bones after attempting my mortal enemy, the 6 stair set on the UCB campus. 

I Skate

I roller skate. I do mostly street skating and have trained in roller derby. I jump sets of stairs and do some rudimentary park skating. Here are some links to some good skater moments, including some of my best jumps: 

4 stair graceful wipeout

Jumping stairs for UAW on strike

Eating some concrete at the 6 stair 

Surviving the 6 stair without hurting myself

More 6 stair attempt nonsense

Skating/snacking in my kitchen

finally landing (debatable) the 6 stair

Learning to skate the park bowl

Being a good honorary second momma bird by threatening to put my host kid in the garbage for being too cute and perfect during a visit back to Belgian. 

I caregive

I have babysat for many families since I was 14. I was an au pair for a wonderful Dutch-Belgian family in the Belgian City of Antwerpen. I have done disabled person's caregiving to support myself through college and as a hobby. I have two regular disabled clients I help out currently, I know how to work a catheter and I am a professional at tucking folks of all ages into bed. 

I am a dog mom

This is Milkshake. I adopted this lil mut after fostering him and falling in love. He is my best friend.